AMS Report 1.13.2014

by Josh Zuck

Planters are starting to come in for service and setup. If you are reconditioning for resale, make sure to get the acres added to the list. Just hook it to an 8R or Greenstar ready with a display.

Still having issues with the ISO connectors on 8R’s failing. Been getting water in them with the snow and thawing. A good way to diagnose is to hook a display and receiver to it, and if the receiver doesn’t show up on the Can-Bus then you have a bad connector. Also check the Can-bus voltages and if the can-lo is around 8 volts, go back and unplug the 4 pin on the ISO connector. Voltage should go back to normal. Basically water is getting into the connector and shorting out.

Been seeing issues with the cold temps and D – series skid loaders de-rating. Check DTAC solution 94012 to make sure you don’t have any debris in the fuel tank.