Unfortunately, some replant will need to be done in Illinois and Wisconsin this year. Make sure your display is set up correctly for replant by changing the task under your Resources button to “Replant.”

by Jared Wheeler, Assumption, IL

Unfortunately, some replant will need to be done in Illinois and Wisconsin this year.  Make sure your display is set up correctly for replant by changing the task under your Resources button to “Replant.”  This will prevent your section control from disabling the row clutches and stopping the meter from planting.  It will also allow you to see how many acres you replanted and as well as recording the seed variety.

Change the task to Replant on the Resources page in the image to the right.

Sloan Support is written by the product support team at Sloan Implement, a 20 location John Deere dealer in Illinois and Wisconsin.  Learn more at www.sloans.com

Are you ready to replant? Make sure your monitor is set up properly.1