If you are seeing several rows or your average population is running low in soybeans, here are a couple things to keep in mind.

by Lucas Veale, Assumption, IL 

If you are seeing several rows or your average population is running low in soybeans, here are a couple things to keep in mind.  It is normal for the planter to read slightly low in soybeans, especially in 30? rows.  The amount of soybeans passing the seed sensor is very high.  If you are experiencing this symptom, verify the actual planted population is correct by digging some seed in a few random rows.  17’5? is 1/1000 of an acre for 1 row on 30?.  Multiply the amount of seed in this distance by 1000 will give you your population for that row.  Check a few rows to verify.  Another thing we have noticed this year is that if you have not brushed your seed tubes before switching to beans you could experience this symptom.  Talc and seed treatment can build up from corn planting and can impair the ability of the sensor to accurately count seed.  Finally, make sure that you are using talc in the central fill planters with beans.  This is especially true if using a treated bean or delivery tube plugging can occur.  Remember that it is just as important to properly mix the talc as it is to use the proper amount.

The image to the left features a 4066R ATU RTK Research Plot Sprayer Tractor.

Planter Monitor Shows Low Population in Soybeans?1